Monday, November 2, 2015

Three Headed Monster

In junior high I remember diagramming sentences. My teacher took us through what he called the three headed monster of the process. I didn't like facing the monster then and lately it seems like the creature has returned.

The last few months have very busy for work and it seems like I can never get ahead. Today for instance, most of my sitting time was spent getting billing out for last month's work. That is now finished, but as I type this at 7:30 in the evening, I have yet to touch my regular Monday morning assignments. When I sit up in another hour, I will finally be able to get it started. However, the ongoing projects that need work likely won't get touched, again, today. This is the first head of the monster.

Second is the head of funding frustration. Last week I talked about the wisdom of government funded insurance. In talking with my county DHS worker, she advised it would be better if I didn't work, at least not for pay. Yes, work can be frustrating (see head 1), but I would much rather be too busy than not doing anything. I do know other people with disabilities that only do some volunteer work, but I know some would much rather be working for a living. I'm thankful for what I can do and I cannot see myself sitting and laying around all day playing games.

My final head is just regular life with a major disability. Mom is once again spending her evening doing paperwork so my day caregivers can get funded. Earlier this evening my parents were discussing who had to do what and who could come with me during my council meeting at church tomorrow night. The last ten days or so have also needed a lot of suctioning to keep my lungs clear requiring more work from my parents at times we don't have help.

Rolling back though and looking at everything as one beast to tackle can seem like too much to handle. However, a slight glance elsewhere reveals the problems aren't bad. Bringing each and every item to God in prayer starts to tame the dragon.

None of my clients are getting too frustrated with my lack of speed in processing requests. I know I'm doing the tasks God has given me and have been for years. Political schemes change, but the king of kings is Lord of all. I've also been given a family that is very caring and willing to do what's needed to make our situation work.

It took the entire school year to tackle the diagramming monster, and this one will take time as well. In the last two months, two campers and one counselor from CHAMP Camp have been released from earthly cares. I can be thankful for the quad life I've been given and continue to run the race before me, being sure to jump the hurdles. Another week can bring a new set of circumstances and they will be tackled as they come.

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