Sunday, October 15, 2023

Correction and Out-of-Touch

Last week, I reported I would be having my 25th surgery, but I was off by one. While getting ready, the anesthesiologist referred back to what was done in 2015. Since I had just looked at my records, I knew I didn't have anything written for that year. Looking back at my calendar, I found the entry and even wrote about it on here. I even said I recorded it, but I'm not sure where. Mom thought I had another procedure since 2012, and she remembered correctly.

This was my first time having surgery while using the trach button. It wasn't an issue, but the doctor put something in my mouth to hold my tongue in place. This was new to me, and I never saw it, but after having the procedure Thursday morning (it was delayed two days), my throat still hurt Friday afternoon. Now, I have to use something called a suprapubic catheter for a few days followed by a Foley for a few more days. Hopefully by this coming Friday I will be back to my normal hardware again.

In other news, I have been suspended from Facebook. I wasn't given a reason, but my guess is from posting my daily passage on October 6 from the book of Mark. I appealed the decision, but I have yet to hear a response even though it should take one day.

You don't realize how much you use something until you can't. For the first day especially, I kept feeling like part of my day was missing without posting my daily Bible verses. A week later, that feeling is gone, but I miss catching up with friends.

The quad life means not getting out a lot, especially just to socialize. Therefore, my main communication is online. A couple friends were having medical challenges and I wonder how they are doing. Facebook is my only contact for them, so I can't email or anything else.

Hopefully I will get my account reinstated, but I should be able to create a new one with slightly changing my name. I'm thankful for the communication social media allows, except when it doesn't like free speech. This week looks to be calm and great for recovery before preaching my final sermon of the year.

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