Monday, December 30, 2013

Last post for 2013

Well, this is it, it's the last Monday of the month and of the year. I did my annual year in review last week and covered the highlights of what happened. It has been one of ups and downs, but that is pretty typical. At the end of this year though, I wonder what is in store for the next.

On Christmas Eve, my parents received a letter that our, my, health insurance plan doesn't meet the new regulations. Therefore, we will have to switch plans. What this new plan will be, what it will cover, or even how to get it, are all questions we don't know answers to.

The plan I'm on now allows us to hire our own caregivers, they don't have to be through an agency. It is less expensive for the insurance company and it gives us much more flexibility. Nursing agencies have to have a incensed nurse, LPN or RN, to cover my medical needs. We don't have that restriction, so I have had aids and people with no formal medical training help take care of me. It has worked well in my years with SCI and given my family and I more covered time than we likely would have otherwise. If the new plan doesn't allow this, life may change drastically.

Since August, the nursing agency I use has been trying to get another night person, but they have not been successful. Since their main office is over an hour away, they claim that's part of the problem, but they also don't seem to be looking very hard. If they were required to cover day and night, it likely would not happen. Even if they did find people, insurance limits how much they spend per day, so we wouldn't be able to get near enough hours for my parents to work or to cover all of my medical needs throughout the day.

My mother sustained serious injuries at the time of our car accident as well, not like me, but she has a lot of pain and trouble walking. She does a lot for me, but she can't do all my cares. Dad works long days as the principal bread winner in the family and can't take off all the time to help me.

The only remaining option would then be to live in a nursing home. To my knowledge, only two in Iowa take someone with my needs, and I've been to both. Neither of them have anywhere near the level of quality care I need and don't have safe conditions for me.

This past Saturday was warm enough I could go out and watch trains. My assistant and I stayed in the van, but it was great to get out of the house, even skipping footwear, and do something fun. Unfortunately, I'm concerned I may not have many of these experiences left.

Matthew 6:25 says "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Jeremiah 29:11 also says "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord." I have been reminding myself of these two verses a lot the last few days. It is hard not to think the worst and worry about what will come. I have seen God's plan in looking back at the life I've been given and it will continue. We shall see what the new year will bring.

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