Sunday, October 29, 2023

When is the End?

This week, Facebook officially decided to delete my accounts, both the one I've had for years and the new one I tried to make. The second account was cited as duplicate or fraudulent, even though I used a different name and email. My long standing account was deleted due to a reason I won't even write. To say the least, it was not something I did. Either my account was used by someone else, or the criteria for judging are very different than my understanding.

Therefore, with my free time away from social media, I have taken more time to watch some current news items. With Israel under attack, many people have wondered if we are now seeing the end times happening. My quick answer is yes we are, but also not really.

When Jesus ascended back to heaven, He said the end would be coming soon. Therefore, the end has been coming closer with every passing year, week, and even second. In that sense, yes we are living in the end times. The real question is, how far are we on the timeline?

Pretty much every generation has thought they would be the last one before Christ's return. Paul had to encourage some people in his time to go work because they were sitting around waiting for Jesus to come. It has been about 2,000 years since then and some still try to predict the exact time and day, only to get it wrong.

Several books of the Bible give warnings of what to watch for, and to be ready. Some of them include wars in Jerusalem, as well as earthquakes in various places, plagues, and people being deceived to the truth of God's Word. All of these exist, but they need to continue to get worse than they are today.

We are getting closer to Christ's return, and we always need to be ready by repenting of sin and trusting in Jesus alone for salvation, not by works. At some point, either our own end will come or Christ will return. Either way, let us continue to serve however we are enabled through whatever comes.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Week in Bed

It has been a really slow week here with hardly getting out of bed. As I poke at the keyboard, I'm still not real sure what to record for the past seven days.

Sunday afternoon, I finally started feeling back to normal without constantly falling asleep. However, I still had several occasions where I was nodding at what I was watching or reading and a lot of time passed for just blinking my eyes.

With extra tubes to allow my body to heal, I didn't venture to get out of bed. However, Thursday's daytime caregiver called off ill. Therefore, my parents and I took off for lunch to see leaves and get groceries. It took dad some guessing and hunting, but he managed to get a pair of jeans on me and keep everything straight. It was good to practice for getting me up today.

This morning was my last scheduled preaching engagement for the year. It was the tenth message I gave in 2023. This year hasn't been as busy as the last two years, but it has been a good number of engagements. My home church has, and does, had a couple interim pastors that I wanted to hear their messages. I enjoy preaching, but I also like it when I can hear and learn from other pastors.

Another week has passed and I still don't have a decision from Facebook. Wednesday, I received a message saying I still needed to appeal the suspension. Clicking the link brought me to the same screen saying I already appealed. Now I'm wondering if I missed something and didn't submit everything I needed. Of course, no actual person is available at Facebook to ask questions. I may be setting up a temporary account that could end up as permanent.

Web work has been really slow this month, but it has been okay for allowing for medical needs. That is everything in the quad life this week, not much other than continuing to wait.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Correction and Out-of-Touch

Last week, I reported I would be having my 25th surgery, but I was off by one. While getting ready, the anesthesiologist referred back to what was done in 2015. Since I had just looked at my records, I knew I didn't have anything written for that year. Looking back at my calendar, I found the entry and even wrote about it on here. I even said I recorded it, but I'm not sure where. Mom thought I had another procedure since 2012, and she remembered correctly.

This was my first time having surgery while using the trach button. It wasn't an issue, but the doctor put something in my mouth to hold my tongue in place. This was new to me, and I never saw it, but after having the procedure Thursday morning (it was delayed two days), my throat still hurt Friday afternoon. Now, I have to use something called a suprapubic catheter for a few days followed by a Foley for a few more days. Hopefully by this coming Friday I will be back to my normal hardware again.

In other news, I have been suspended from Facebook. I wasn't given a reason, but my guess is from posting my daily passage on October 6 from the book of Mark. I appealed the decision, but I have yet to hear a response even though it should take one day.

You don't realize how much you use something until you can't. For the first day especially, I kept feeling like part of my day was missing without posting my daily Bible verses. A week later, that feeling is gone, but I miss catching up with friends.

The quad life means not getting out a lot, especially just to socialize. Therefore, my main communication is online. A couple friends were having medical challenges and I wonder how they are doing. Facebook is my only contact for them, so I can't email or anything else.

Hopefully I will get my account reinstated, but I should be able to create a new one with slightly changing my name. I'm thankful for the communication social media allows, except when it doesn't like free speech. This week looks to be calm and great for recovery before preaching my final sermon of the year.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Surgery 25 Ahead

Living the quad life means I often require various medical treatments. Sometimes, more serious intervention is needed in the form of surgery. On Tuesday morning, I am finally scheduled for a procedure I've needed for a few months.

Looking back at my records, my last surgery was in 2012 to fix my broken femur. This upcoming appointment will be my 25th surgery. The goal is to get two large bladder stones removed that are each over an inch. They have been causing issues for a while and I'll be glad to get them eradicated.

As a veteran to surgical procedures, I'm very well aware of what to expect and how things go. The day prior to the appointment, I'll receive a call to verify the time to arrive. I will need to be at the hospital a full two hours before the surgery so I can primarily sit around and make sure paperwork is correct. However, I have already verified my medication list three times as well as my medical history.

Finally, after boredom has really sunk in, I get rolled back to the operating room. After I arrive, I have to verify my name, birth date, and what is being done. Thinking about it, I'm tempted to say something completely odd like head amputation and see what they say.

With more IVs hooked up, I finally get to take a nap. At first, I get a calm feeling followed by tunnel vision. The next thing I know, I'm in a different location and somewhat feel like I had a long night and don't want to get up. Thankfully, my head is usually clear and I can have fun with the recovery nurse.

As I currently know, I don't need to stay over night and will go home on Tuesday. It sounds like a minor procedure that shouldn't take long. However, after 11 years off, I don't know how my body has changed and how I will react. Whatever happens, I know God is in control and I look forward to being done with another surgery!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Bad Retailer

I started my first jobs in high school. One was a temporary data entry position and the other was writing for a local newspaper. Since then, I've had a few different occupations with various employers. However, everything has been in the technology industry. The "product" is data, either recorded for later use or for public information such as a website.

With these forms of work, everything is completed quickly. When data becomes available, it is entered and done. Changes to client's websites are done as quickly as possible and then the job is complete. With the release of my book in early September, I have been thrust into a different job type; one that I'm starting to dislike.

The book is available on Amazon in three different forms, electronic, paperback, and hard cover. If someone purchases an item, Amazon takes care of everything and I get paid royalties at the end of the month (hopefully). For physical books, which I prefer, they get delivered within a few days. However, I can also order author copies as they're called.

For these, I pay the cost of producing the book and shipping to me. This is a less expensive option and I can then sell them directly for less expense than Amazon, and I can sign them. The main problem with this is shipping can take up to two weeks. Therefore, when someone asks for a book, I put them on my list and let them know when it comes. Unfortunately, by the time it arrives, enthusiasm has worn out and people aren't able to come and get them. I am then left with stacks of books sitting around my room. As I write this on Friday evening, I have 27 books on hand to fill 25 orders. That sounds great, but this week added a new complication.

A friend is in charge of the Iowa Ability Fair, which was held yesterday in Des Moines. She arranged for me to have a table to sell books. I was very reluctant to agree, but she was persistent. That means I took 20 books along, which are technically already sold, to sell to anyone interested. The fair went most of the day and I will need to make another order Saturday night.

I'm thankful people want to get my book and are excited to read it. However, my like of clear surfaces on furniture is starting to get to me. I will learn my new skill of retail supply and storage. Living the quad life is interesting sometimes with never knowing what to expect.